Is Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion Worth It? I Tried it, and Here's My Honest Review
05/08/2023 - By Amanda S.
Can Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion be the key to unlocking a better nights sleep while pregnant? Countless glowing reviews say it can.. and I put it to the test.
Did you know that almost 80% of pregnant women are magnesium-deficient?
Magnesium deficiency can lead to pregnancy insomnia, morning sickness, restless legs, and persistent aches & pains that keep you up all night.
Pregnant women everywhere are raving about this safe, natural lotion that helps attack magnesium deficiency at the root called Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion.
This miracle lotion is taking the world of motherhood by storm by helping pregnant women everywhere fall asleep instantly.
Its science-backed formula uses all-natural ingredients to help us soon-to-be mamas get the sleep we deserve by getting rid of frustrating pregnancy symptoms like insomnia, aches & pains, and restless legs syndrome without having to worry about using harsh chemicals.
According to reviews from tons of pregnant women, the women who use Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion rave about its seemingly magical ability to transform their sleep by relaxing their muscles, relieving their aches, pains, and tension and helping them drift to sleep quickly.. and all by applying the lotion for just a few minutes a day.
Those are some big claims to make, but 20 weeks into my pregnancy, I'm happy to give anything a try, especially when it comes with a 100 day money-back-guarantee. I did try Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion for one month, and I will share with you my brutally honest review about it, and I think some parts may surprise you.
Before I get into my review, let me explain exactly what Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion is.
What is Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion?
Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion is a magnesium lotion made with clean, pregnancy-safe ingredients that claims to help you reclaim your sleep and ease some of the frustrating symptoms that come with pregnancy that prevent you from getting the deep, restful sleep that you deserve.
The formula is crafted by a mom who struggled with these issues herself during her own pregnancies, and wanted to create a safe product that pregnant women everywhere can feel comfortable using while using the most up-to-date science-backed research.
How does it work?
Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion is carefully formulated with a blend of clean, natural ingredients to help you get your sleep back on track.
The ingredients are:
Magnesium Chloride
Organic Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Plant-based Emulsifiers
That's it! The key ingredient is the magnesium chloride which directly helps address magnesium deficiency, which is often the driver behind so many unwanted pregnancy symptoms.
The coconut and olive oil are natural ingredients that are nourishing, anti-inflammatory and help moisturize the skin.
It was so important to me to use ingredients were safe for my baby, and it made me even more comfortable that I actually recognized each of the ingredients in this product and that some of them are already in my home!
I tried Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion for 3 weeks, and this is my brutally honest review (some of it might surprise you!)
I have been struggling with pregnancy insomnia since my first trimester. My sleep pattern just randomly turned into a disaster.
My husband's alarm went off at 5am and I was wide awake. Being exhausted makes me SO cranky, and I already struggle with mental health issues at times and am dealing with a lot. I would lay in bed wishing I had a magical fix because it was making me absolutely miserable.
I've even started having to sleep in our guest room to get a better sleep and not disturb my husband. It's starting to impact my relationship which is the absolute last thing I want.
When I started using Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion, it was perfect timing. I had just finished my last melatonin which my doctor recommended, and I had decided to find an alternative because I didn't want to become dependent on it and it was making me incredibly groggy.
I had tried melatonin, Benadryl, guided meditation, baths before bed, and Tylenol PM but nothing seemed to work. I needed a way to attack the root cause of my sleep issues, not a temporary fix.
I was determined to make a change and Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion seemed like the perfect product to try.
I did what the other moms reviewing the product said to and applied it all to my back, hips, and legs in just a few minutes each night. This is what happened.
Package Arrives
The lotion from Mama Bear Oasis arrived early within 4 days (yay!).
The packaging was really great! It was packed in a nice bubblewrap bag to keep the container safe and then put in a pretty purple envelope that also had an extra layer of bubbles for protection.
They had a special bundle deal at the time that gave me 37% off if I bought 3 jars, so I did! I was surprised that they all came individually wrapped, based on the packaging alone they would make for great gifts!
Immediately after I took the lotion out of the bubble wrap I was impressed with the packaging's aesthetic, it was really cute but felt like a premium product.
I dipped my finger in the lotion to see what the consistency was like and it was absolutely perfect, I was so excited to make my husband rub it on my back later.
Day 1
The first night using Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion was all about making it a part of my nightly routine. I showered, did my skincare routine, and then crawled into bed to relax.
I asked my husband to rub the lotion on my back, hips, and legs and I again was pleasantly surprised with the consistency.
Plus, who doesn't love a massage before bed?
Anyways, I ended up drifting off to sleep pretty quickly which usually is the case, and to my surprise I actually slept through the night.
No restless legs preventing me from falling asleep, no tossing and turning all night, and also no grogginess in the morning when I woke up. I felt incredible.
Day 7
After a whole week of using the lotion, I'm absolutely in love with it.
Through the entire first week, I've actually been able to sleep through the night without interruption. I do still get up to pee depending on when I drink fluids, but that's normal.
I can actually fall asleep easily at night and then stay asleep which was always such a battle. I used to average 4 hours of sleep a night if I was lucky, and now I'm getting 7 hours of restful sleep and waking up feeling amazing.
Day 14
After two weeks of using Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion, I noticed that something really powerful had happened. I have been able to sleep in the same bed as my husband again without disturbing him for two straight weeks.
When I had this realization, I started to cry. I wasn't disturbing him with my tossing and turning, I wasn't moody and stressed in the mornings after due to exhaustion.
I was able to sleep in the same bed as my husband at night which is so comforting and also just as importantly, get a deep restful sleep.
For the first time in my pregnancy I felt truly rested, it was like this overwhelming sense of peace and happiness washed over me.
It's hard to explain, but that moment was a turning point for me.
Day 30
I have to tell you, Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion has been a complete game-changer for me. I honestly wish I had found it sooner, but I'm just grateful that I decided to buy and use this lotion when I did.
I actually can't believe it took me so long to find this, I wish I'd bought this before my pregnancy just to help with sleep in general.
My nightly routine has become a comforting and peaceful ritual for me. I'm actually excited to go to sleep again instead of dreading laying awake all night with anxiety.
This lotion does everything melatonin was supposed to do, but without the dependency, the shift in my hormones, and the grogginess. And I actually feel comfortable using it consistently because of the clean, natural ingredients!
For the first time in my pregnancy I'm well rested, which has helped with my busy day-to-day life, my mental health, and completely eliminated the strain my lack of sleep was causing in my marriage.
Truthfully, if you are a pregnant woman like me I cannot think of a single reason not to try this lotion out. I really cannot recommend it enough.
Is Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion legit?
My 30 days trying Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion were eye-opening to say the least.
This little experiment made me realize that my lack of sleep was affecting my day-today life and my relationship a lot more than I previously thought.
My struggles with pregnancy insomnia are gone, and my pregnancy is so much more enjoyable than it was before. Even my husband has noticed a difference and he's started using the lotion himself to get a better nights sleep.
On top of all of that, this lotion is super affordable, especially compared to other expensive creams and lotions out there that come in fancy packaging and use harsh chemicals but don't actually help me get to sleep.
How much does Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion cost?
The lotion I got is from Mama Bear Oasis.
The company was started by a mom named Amber who was had a background in the cosmetics industry and was sick of not being able to sleep while she was pregnant.
She knew how to create formulate products and wanted to only use safe, natural ingredients that she felt comfortable using while pregnant because she knew other moms had that concern as well.
Eventually her DIY sleep solution turned into a full-time small business that she still runs to this day.
When I purchased my lotion I got them on sale and bought a 3-pack bundle for $74.99 which works out to about $25/lotion.
Most of my skincare and cosmetics products cost much more than that, so i thought it was a pretty good deal!
Where can you get Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion?
The lotion I got is only available online through Mama Bear Oasis's website. When buying anything online it's good to do your due diligence first. There are many knockoff versions and copycats available on Amazon and other websites, but these lotions may not have completely clean ingredients backed by scientific research and so I wouldn't feel as safe using them.
I strongly recommend purchasing Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion directly from the official Mama Bear Oasis website to ensure that you receive a high-quality product that has been tested and proven to help pregnant women like get a better nights sleep.
They are a US-based company and their customer service is incredibly helpful and responsive. It seems like they really care about their customers and truly want to help pregnant women like us, which is pretty rare these days!
By purchasing from the official website you also can take advantage of their 100 day money-back guarantee if you aren't satisfied with the lotion for whatever reason.
Stop settling for poor sleep, try Mama Bear Sleepy Lotion out for yourself.